It was Inevitable: A Post about Frank Zappa

Old Zappa: nothing special, nobody cared.
A little about the man. He grew up, was kind of boring in his teen years. Nobody took Zappa seriously. I think he was partially Italian or something. Yeah, scholars don't really know (or care) about his early life, probably because he didn't have a moustache. It's whats known to historians as a 'grey area' of history.

This man means business.
But as Zappa started growing his moustache, he became more creative, girls started liking him more. For him, things started looking up! He started a band ( called The Mothers of Invention) and put out a record called "Freak Out!" which is a classic for the time.

So, what exactly turned this poor, sad, guido looking man into the famous figure he is today? Obviously his moustache. People started listening to him, females would attempt to lick him, he would write songs about having crabs and they made girls lust for him.

He died at around age 50, happy, smiling and at harmony with himself.  You inspire us all!


  1. This proves it all, moustache > no moustace. You can't argue facts!

  2. Excellent display of facial hair.

  3. That is not a mustache. He also has a soul patch. A Real Mustache stands proud and stands alone.

  4. >So, what exactly turned this poor, sad, guido looking man into the famous figure he is today? Obviously his moustache

    I'm growing up mine, as fast as I can.

  5. He looks like he really loves that mustache...I would too
