Rate the Moustache: Brad Pitt from Inglorious Basterds

Yesterday I asked you to rate Robert Downy Jr.'s moustache, to which an overwhealming 10 people voted. woot

The results were an impressive 7.5 on 10! The best comment by far was by Erika, who pointed out that if you flip his picture upside down, his mouth/moustache/beard becomes this fish head thing. Mind... BLOWN!

never unsee

But todays question: On a scale of 1 to 10, what do you rate Brad Pitt's moustache from Inglorious Basterds? Leave a comment!


  1. It's ok. Probably best suited for the role, but not a "superfuckingawesomecool" 'stache

  2. Yeah its decent. My mind is a little blown though

  3. Not my kind of 'stache at all! 1.5/10

  4. A 9 out of 10 for me. Maybe because I associated my rating with his acting in the movie which was super duper awesome. Mind blown!

  5. And yes, you should check out that mixtape. It's like the best mixtape ever. I'm giving it an 8 out of 10!

  6. 4/10 a suspicious looking stache...he's probably only doing it for the free moustache rides, something about it doesn't look genuine - It probably shaves right off!

  7. I think it's a bit anaemic. I'll give it a 6/10 for the cleanness.

  8. moustache is soso, the silly expression is really annoying.

  9. I'd give it a one, barely a moustache at all!

    I don't see the Robert Downy Jr thing :/

  10. It's well groomed, and looks alright. I'd give 7/10

  11. it's a solid 7. could do with a bit of fattenning. Perhaps more cheeseburgers would increase the volume?
