A realistic depiction of Mario (kinda NSFW)

Here's a little sketch I remember seeing a long time ago. Now that I've found it again on youtube, it's gotten like 36 million more views than I remember it having! Crazy.

Not unlike a fine wine, this video gets better with time. The first time I saw it, I only found it a little bit funny, but now that I've watched it again, it's definitely better than I remember.

I've been pretty busy with schooling to write articles and find pictures, so for the time being it's going to be just videos and very mild commentary.

Oh and just in case you were thinking of sleeping tonight, here's realistic Mario.

I wait in your closet until your eyes close.


  1. That 'realistic' mario picture really creeps me out. Eugh. I think I've seen it before.

  2. I've seen them both already and they're great! Thanks :D

  3. that realistic mario is kinda scary. but the first one is awesome. Mustache works for him well too. hehe

  4. Hehe, nice sketch, kid of a sad ending tho.
