Real Talk

You called my mommas house and what? girl, your momma shouldn't have to screen calls for me, real talk. and Watch yo mouth!

 R. Kelly is serious business. So much so that this wonderful creation, entitled 'Real Talk' should be listened to by everyone. I'm not sure about you, but this video just makes me want to finish my sentences with 'real talk' when I get in arguments. I just love how the song progresses. It starts off as a bit boring and corny, but exponentially increases in greatness as time goes by. Although this video rocks, I don't really approve of R. Kellys mustache. It's all thin and gross. Shave that shiz R. Kelly. Real Talk!


  1. That's a good ass song and a lame ass stache, real talk.

  2. Rkelly is so burnt out. funny post and a horrible stache lol

  3. Haha R kelly is a joke now and I think he knows it.

  4. After all the rumors about him and the videos of his personal life, I cant take him serious. I cannot understand how anybody would play his music.

  5. He need to get dat weave up off his head, Real Talk.
    I lol'd like the wind. Following.
